Detailed Report Outline

The following is a report template that can be used and adjusted to the particular project or assignment. It is a guide. Not all items listed here are relevant to all projects. Read the questions in each section to help you decide what to write in that section.

A descriptive title for the project.
Your Name.
Group members
Others with which you collaborated.
The Date of the report.
Assignment name and number
Name of the project given by the instructor.

Objective (or Introduction)

  1. Problem statement. What you want to answer with this project.
  2. Why is this problem important?
  3. What you intend to accomplish?


  1. Review the work of others who have used the proposed project.
  2. Review related approaches that are important to decisions you have made on this project.

Study Site

  1. Describe the place including
    • Name of area, additionally include  city, county, state, and country if necessary.
    • It may be necessary to describe the site by using a legal description, UTM or Longitude-Latitude. system as appropriate.
    • If appropriate, give directions to study site such as road names and distances.
    • If relevant to study,  describe the physical environment, slope position (ridge back slope, toe slope, upland drain, flood plain), geology, soils, aspect, slope, and proximity to water.


  1. Describe the technique used and how it helps you answer your stated problem. Start with the general concept and then move to more specific details.
  2. Describe Sample type (systematic, random, stratified, the probability of sampling)
  3. Describe the sample or plot layout.
  4. Describe the sample or plot size and shape.
  5. Describe data collection.
  6. List variables and method of measurement.
  7. Provide details necessary for others to understand your results (e.g. were weights fresh or dried or was there a minimum size).

Analysis techniques

  1. List each analysis technique from simplest to most complicated.
  2. Describe how that technique will help you answer your general problem.


  1. What were the results for each analysis?
    • Tables and figures make this information easier to understand.
    • Explain the figures and tables to the reader pointing out the items they should note in each. You are explaining the results of your work and need to let the reader know that you understand the data.
    • Numbers in the text are difficult to find. Avoid this as the only method of presenting results if possible.
    • The order of results discussed should correspond with the order of the techniques listed above in Methods and /or Analysis.


  1. What is your interpretation of each result?
  2. This should correspond with the techniques and results listed above.
  3. This is the place to speculate on your results or explain special circumstances.


  1. What does all this stuff mean?  This is the concise meaning of the project.
  2. What should the reader remember from your work?
  3. Remember that most reports are not read as prose.  The document is usually skimmed and then sections are read in detail when more information is required.


  1. Cite others work used in this report in a style of your disciplines journals.
  2. Check the style of citations in the journals used in the discipline.
  3. Refer to American Physiological Association (APA) Style Manual or Chicago Manual of Style if necessary.

Creative Commons License
Natural Resources Biometrics by David R. Larsen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .

Author: Dr. David R. Larsen
Created: August 10, 1996
Last Updated: December 12, 2019