
If you have not written scientific reports before they follow a specific format. The outline of the report format can be found on the report web page.

Tables and figures also have a specific format that you should follow.


A figure is an illustration, graph or picture that is useful to explain the point you wish to make in the report. They follow this general format.

Graph as a figure

Figure 1, Gingrich diagram for the Upland oak forest type. A-Line represents the average maximum stocking found in this type of
forest. B-line represents trees free to grow but fully occupying the site. C-line represents stand that can grow to the B-line in 10 years.

Diagram as a figure

Figure 2, Layout of plot cluster for big river mortality plots. The plot center was established ~90 feet from the rivers edge and the main
axis parallel to the river. Subplots are 98 feet apart.

Figures always have their caption at the BOTTOM of the figure. Again the caption should have enough information to let the reader know what the figure is trying to tell them.

Also See:

Brusaw, C. T., G. J. Alred, and W. E. Oliu. 1987. Handbook of Technical Writing 3rd edition. St Martin Press New York. 787p.

Creative Commons License
Natural Resources Biometrics by David R. Larsen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .

Author: Dr. David R. Larsen
Created: August 20, 2002
Last Updated: December 12, 2019