Natural Resource BiometricsReineke Stocking DiagramsTo type of charts are often used to describe the relationships of mean tree size and density. These include Density Management Diagrams (often called -3/2 rule diagrams). Density Management DiagramsThese diagrams date back to Reineke (1933) work on the stand density index and relationship of log quadratic mean diameter (QMD) and log density. Drew and Flewelling (1979) popularized the relationship in the western states using a log mean volume to log density diagram. Long (1985) suggested that an much more practical approach was to use log mean diameter and log density as both could be easily estimated in the field. Schnur (1937) suggested a maximum Stand Density Index of 230 for upland oak forests.
Figure 1: Density Management Diagram Images
SpreadsheetsThe Excel spreadsheet can be modified by changing the Maximum SDI. For other suggested maximum SDI values (see Maximum SDI). |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. Author: Dr. David R. Larsen Created: February 11, 2001 Last Updated: December 15, 2019 |