Natural Resource BiometricsMeasures of Central TendencyCentral tendency can be measured in several ways, means, median, mode, and midpoint. We will consider each of these separately. Means
In Excel® the buildin function:
In Excel® the there is no quadratic mean buildin function, See the programming section of this course. MedianMedian is the middle value in a dataset. If the data set is ordered from smallest to largest value the value that is the (n+1)/2th value in the ordered list is the median. For even numbered datasets there are two middle numbers. The median is the midpoint between these two middle numbers. In Excel® the buildin function:
ModeThe mode is the most frequent value in the data set. A data set can have many modes as they are just points of frequent values in the data set. In Excel® the buildin function:
MidrangeMidrange is the value half way between the largest value and the smallest value in the dataset. The problem with this measure is that only the largest and smallest values effect the result. Also See: Chapter 3 - Measures of Central Tendency pages 25-34 in:
Chapter 3 - Measures of Central Tendency pages 18-23 in: |
Natural Resources Biometrics by David R. Larsen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License . Author: Dr. David R. Larsen Created: July 19, 1996 Last Updated: December 12, 2019 |